Phone: 724-503-1001 x6109
Office: Olin 112
Email: mswift@elahomecollection.com

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我热爱体育活动和户外活动. 我喜欢骑自行车和徒步旅行,也喜欢自然摄影. I also compete in U.S. 在宾夕法尼亚州西部的游泳大师联盟(AMYMSA)中,获得男子最高分和铁人奖。.

Mark Swift, Ph.D.

Professor of Music

Degrees: Ph.D., M.A. Ethnomusicology, University of Maryland Baltimore County; M.A. Geography, West Virginia University; B.A. 戴维森学院音乐系

马克·斯威夫特是华盛顿大学音乐系的教授 & Jefferson College. 他是斯汤顿人, Virginia, 我因其亲密关系而进入戴维森学院, liberal arts setting, 在那里,他把自己的天赋集中在钢琴学习上. James Swisher. 在他本科期间, he broadened his interests to include music composition and ethnomusicology, 在印度南部的马德拉斯基督教学院待了一个学期.

经过一段时间的旅行,他走遍了世界上14个国家, he enrolled in the graduate program in ethnomusicology at University of Maryland Baltimore County, 他在哪里获得了M.A. and Ph.D., studying with Dr. Philip Schuyler, Dr. Josef Pacholczyk和Ki Mantle Hood. 因为他热爱地理和地球科学, 2020年,他在西弗吉尼亚大学完成了新的地理学硕士学位,主修河流地貌学, working with Dr. J. Steven Kite,一位杰出的地貌学家.

Dr. 斯威夫特一直在华盛顿教书 & Jefferson since 1997, where he offered courses as part of the freshman experience for 22 years, 他还担任了三年的新生论坛项目主任和十年的音乐系主任. 他教授各种各样的世界音乐课程, Western classical, folk, and popular music, 环境研究中的音乐, and earth science. Past research has been in music of northeast Brazil, environmental music, and Pacific music. Additionally, 他经常作为钢琴家在室内团体演奏20世纪和当代作品. In 2018, he assisted colleague Thomas Mainwaring by producing 14 maps for the book Abandoned Tracks: The Underground Railroad in Washington County, Pennsylvania. These days, 他对领导新政府感到兴奋, credited Zimbabwean marimba ensemble on campus for students and community, as well as his research involving the landscape evolution of the southwestern Pennsylvania region.