Sam Dauby sits in a lab at the Department of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh.

Junior spends summer researching with Department of Pathology at Pitt

Created: September 1, 2020  |  Last Updated: September 2, 2020  |  Category:   |  Tagged: , ,

WASHINGTON, PA (Sept. 1, 2020)—While coronavirus is top-of-mind for the public and in the medical world right now, W&大三学生萨姆·道比(Sam Dauby)整个夏天都在匹兹堡大学病理学系寻找防止艾滋病病毒传播的方法,这种病毒多年来一直给人类带来痛苦.

“The laboratory’s focus was on the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), which is the nonhuman-primate version of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In some primates, the SIV spreads and progresses to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), leading to the animal’s death. However, some primates manage to control the infection and live with it,” Sam said. “Clearly, 这是非常有趣的,因为感染艾滋病毒的人(如果不及时治疗)将发展为艾滋病并死亡.”

萨姆是今年夏天有机会在实验室工作而不是完成虚拟体验的为数不多的学生研究人员之一. Because of the current COVID-19 pandemic, his research experience got a late start in June rather than May, when initially planned, and it made his lab work look very different.

As an intern, Sam employed the use of enzymatic immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect the presence of certain antigens, or substances that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against it. 这使实验室能够看到感染在不同时间扩散到某些组织的程度,并进一步了解病毒的致病性传播. But due to social distancing procedures, the work Sam did to study these antigens was often conducted alone.

“I feel fortunate I was able to work there. I was the only intern I saw. I had my own little office and had to be my own room all the time. I had to wear a lot of protective gear in the lab. I’d go hours without seeing anyone. Most of the work was independent,” he said. “我认为它对我的一个好处是,如果我找不到其他人,它迫使我自己寻找答案. I had a lot of short breaks, and during those breaks I would go in and find more information and had more opportunities to learn. But at the same time, it’s difficult, because if I had a question, it would have been a lot easier to ask someone immediately.”

The internship in the lab built on Sam’s experience at W&J, 为他的知识库增加新技术,并为他今年秋天在学院学习更高级的课程做准备. The experience also reinforced his pride in his decision to come to W&J.

“As I was at this internship, I became more and more grateful that I decided to go to W&J. 我是通过给20-30位研究人员发邮件,询问我是否可以在他们的实验室实习得到这个实习机会的. All it took was for one to say yes. The reason I did that is because of the Magellan project. I went to some sessions run by Dr. DeBerry and she suggested that we do that,” Sam said. “I wouldn’t have found this opportunity without her help.”

Sam plans to pursue a career as a physician after W&J.

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